Among the several aspects that you may come across in a car accident lawyer, your best bet would be to look for the one suitable to your budget. The budget would play a significant role when hiring the services of a good lawyer. It would be in your best interest to look for a lawyer not charging a huge fee for their services. The jersey city car accident lawyer would handle your specific needs and requirements without burning a significant hole in your pocket. The lawyer would be willing to handle your case on a contingency basis.
The contingency lawyer would help you win the claim as other car accident lawyers would. However, the only exception would be the car accident lawyer working on a contingency basis would not charge anything upfront from you. It implies that the lawyer would not be paid anything before they take up your claim case. They would work on your case using their experience and expertise. However, if they lose the claim, they will not be paid anything by the party hiring their services. It would be the risk the contingency lawyer is aware of and willing to take. When you go on an initial consultation with the lawyer, he will understand the case and accept the case based on the merits involved in the case. If they feel they have a good case, they will accept to work on a contingency basis.
If you wonder how the contingency lawyer is paid, rest assured that the lawyer would be paid in full from the compensation amount they win from the insurance company. However, you should undergo an agreement with the car accident lawyer before they handle your case. It would eliminate any confusion between the client and the lawyer after they claim the compensation amount.