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Web.com Reviews Share How to Write a Dating Profile That Will Get Results


Looking for love online? You sure have a lot of competition here as most people who are looking for a date have registered themselves on various platforms. The key to getting the maximum attention of people is creating a compelling profile. Pictures do matter but real relationships go beyond the charm of a face. In this article, Web.com Reviews shares how to write a dating profile that will get results.

The Ways

  1. Honesty is the best policy- As kids, we have all been taught to be honest in all our endeavors. Well, here is a chance to use that sermon. When you begin to describe yourself on dating apps, ensure that you put up a correct picture of yourself. Bragging about yourself unnecessarily not only paints a negative picture but also shows arrogance and haughtiness. However, there is no need to write about your negative traits as you do not want a profile that repels rather than attracts.
  2. Mention what you are looking for– Be specific about what you are looking for in your prospective date. If you are interested in being in a committed relationship and not just a fling, be sure to mention it. Be honest about what you are seeking just the way you have been honest to present a picture of yourself. Lies do not last long and will just be a waste of time. 

Let people know of the values you are looking for so that you get to meet like-minded people. If you are into fitness, reading, volunteering for social service, love to sail or ski, and want to be friends with similar tastes, remember to be specific about it. This way you will attract people who have similar interests and would be more likely to spend time with them.

  1. Write as if your perfect idea of a date is reading it– Highlight your best qualities which you think will be quite attractive to the kind of person you would love to date. Your profile should tell an interesting story about yourself and convey that you have an interesting personality. If you are not sure, ask a friend to read it and then rectify accordingly. A good strategy is to ask a friend of the opposite sex because they can be the best judge and let you know whether the profile story is compelling enough. You can also seek their advice.
  2. Check your spelling and grammar- Although this might sound trivial to you, it might not be the same with people who are reading it. A few may ignore the typos but do not run the risk of turning off someone just because you didn’t pay much attention to the details. Some people may even view it as you being a careless person and not mature enough to want a serious relationship. Your profile should be flawless in every field of expression to garner attention from the right person.


Web.com Reviews feels that the thoughtfulness and care you put into writing your profile is the first and probably the most important factor to find a date that matches your personality. Hopefully, you will find the perfect date after following the strategies listed on this article.