NCERT is an organization which was established in the year 1961 for qualitative education of students across the country. All the textbooks published by the NCERT are prescribed by the Central Board of Education from classes I to XII. NCERT owns the responsibility of publishing the NCERT textbooks with the intention of building a common education system among students. Most of the students face confusion in choosing the right study material as there are numerous materials present in the current market. Students of CBSE board must follow the NCERT Books Class 10 which provide in depth explanation of each concept in accordance with the CBSE board. It also provides educational kits and multimedia digital materials to help students to boost their learning progress.
NCERT official website offers numerous study materials for the students of different classes. Following these study sources on a regular basis helps students to understand the concepts in detail enabling them to be well prepared throughout the academic year. Effective exam preparation, with no doubt, is possible only through referring to NCERT resources. Students must solve the exercise questions provided at the end of each chapter thoroughly to grasp the concepts in depth. Most of the questions asked in the final examinations are chosen from NCERT exercise problems. Hence, it is necessary to practice all the textbook exercise problems without a fail before appearing for the exams.
During revision of problems, some students get stuck and could not solve the problems with ease. To overcome this problem, students are provided with detailed step by step NCERT Solutions for all the classes. These solutions also assist students to write the answers in an effective manner so that they score more marks in final examinations. NCERT keeps on updating the books which contain the latest question papers of each year. NCERT books are useful not only in preparing for various boards but also helps students appearing for other competitive exams as well. Students can access NCERT Solutions in PDF format any time and anywhere
The solutions are created by the expert professors who have in-depth knowledge in the respective subjects. The most widely and cheapest books available in the country are NCERT. The main motive of providing these books as cheapest and most accessible is to provide every student equal opportunity to learn according to a centralised syllabus. Students can make use of NCERT Solutions if they are stuck somewhere while revising the exercise problems and clear their doubts quickly. The NCERT syllabus mainly concentrates on these books to make it student friendly for both the students and the competitive exam aspirants.
Tips to prove how NCERT Solutions boost confidence in solving problems among students
- CBSE questions follow NCERT books
The previous year question papers prescribed by the CBSE board are taken either directly from NCERT books or rely on NCERT exercises. Hence, practising NCERT Solutions on a daily basis helps students to answer most of the questions asked in the examinations.
- Enhance basic knowledge
NCERT Solutions are designed with the aim of improving conceptual knowledge among students. Solving NCERT Solutions helps students strengthen their concepts more efficiently. Preparing NCERT Solutions after completion of each chapter helps to understand the concepts in an effective manner and never forget them. Hence, experts recommend most of the students to solve the NCERT textbooks.
- Offer method of answering the questions in exams
Students get confused in answering the questions asked in the examinations. Students never decide how much they should answer for a question. To overcome this issue, students are advised to solve NCERT Solutions to learn how to approach the question and what points should be included relying on the marking scheme. This boosts confidence in answering the questions in final examinations.
- NCERT Solutions are best for revision
Students can use NCERT Solutions and short notes prepared during class hours for quick revision of concepts before the exam. Number of students follow this procedure to revise all the concepts more effectively before appearing for exams. This helps them to revise all the chapters just a few hours before the exam.
- NCERT Solutions follow CBSE syllabus
NCERT Books are entirely based on the CBSE syllabus. Practising NCERT Solutions helps to cover all the topics that are essential for exam preparations. NCERT Books are enough to prepare for CBSE examinations. These books cover all the concepts which are necessary for scoring high marks in the academic year.
These solutions help students to increase confidence in solving the problems in a short duration of time. NCERT Books Class 9 provide clear explanations of each concept provided in the textbook as per the students’ understanding capacity. The solutions are prepared comprehensively by experienced professionals for clear understanding of concepts among students.