- Home Improvement

Internet Safety: Learn How To Browse Safely

As well as the benefits and ease of the online world, the risks are diverse, even for the most basic users, who only use social networks and email. Problems with fake installation of viruses and keyloggers — applications that record and copy your device data, capable of stealing passwords and banking information — are increasingly common on the network. Here are some tips from romelar.es  that will guide you to browse safely:

Attention To Downloads

Watch out for file and software downloads made on the internet. Many of these contents have viruses and malware installed on your device and what you want to download. To avoid this type of problem, it is recommended to use only trusted sites when downloading software and systems. Pirate sites typically carry a high risk of malicious content.

Block Pop-Ups

You know those little boxes that appear on various websites you access, asking you to activate notifications and capture your browsing data? These are called pop-ups, and in some cases, they can deliver malware or phishing to your browser. The ideal is to configure your computer to block them, and when accessing a trusted website, you can activate them manually if you want. The procedure is simple and avoids several problems in your navigation.

Be More Careful When Accessing Public Wi-Fi Networks

It is common to find establishments, such as restaurants and bars, that offer free Wi-Fi. Be aware that it is not as secure as a private network, making it easier for bad actors to capture your data. So, if you want to access sensitive data such as your bank or work information, use your cell phone as a Wi-Fi router and share the data through it, making the open network private and limiting access only to your devices.

Perform Most Important Operations On A Computer

Despite the ease of using mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, for any operation, it is best to carry out the most important ones, such as shopping and accessing the bank, using a desktop or notebook. These devices have a more powerful antivirus, and their browsers can identify whether the pages accessed online are real or not. The use of mobile devices does not allow this verification, which increases the risks of this operation.

Watch Videos Only On Popular Sites

One of the most common practices on the internet is accessing videos; however, ideally, it should be done on well-known sites, such as YouTube or streaming platforms like Netflix. Many people end up opting for pirated sites to watch series and movies, as they offer content for free. However, it is necessary to update plugins and download programs that have malware on your device most of the time.

Keep Your Systems Up To Date

Finally, despite being a boring practice, you need to keep your operating system and antivirus updated. In this way, the device receives the most advanced protection packages. Currently, it is possible to configure both the operating system and antivirus for automatic updates. However, it is always good to check periodically and ensure that everything is updated. Using these tips, you guarantee a safer and faster experience on the internet, without having problems and headaches caused by viruses and bad people who work in this environment.