Nobody wants to have wrinkled skin, especially when it appears to be early due to a hectic lifestyle, environmental causes, or heredity. Facelift surgery aims to rejuvenate the skin and make it seem younger and more appealing by removing the effects of aging. Sagging muscles and skin arise from the loss of facial fat, and because the skin loses elasticity as we age, the consequences may be extremely ugly.
This can require re-draping baggy skin and removing any extra skin, fat implanting excess fat elimination, cutting off submandibular glands, and strengthening lax neck and facial muscles, among other operations. Some individuals who receive a facelift may opt for additional operations to enhance their appearance, such as brow raise and minor eyelid surgeries among others.
While a facelift will remove sagging and produce a more defined and appealing jaw line, you will need to know how to care for your skin following the procedure in order to get long-term effects. Depending on the cosmetic operation you choose, your at-home skin care prescription will change. In any case, make sure you discuss cosmetic surgery recovery with Victoriakliniken (Victoria Clinic) doctor or aesthetician before your treatment.
Skin Care Rules After Your Surgery
Follow your plastic surgeon’s post-operative instructions to the letter. The healing that begins easily will always produce the excellent results that you desire. For example, make sure you keep the bandages on until you’re told to take them off or replace them, eat meals that are simple to chew, take any medications as instructed, and avoid rigorous activities and physical activity.
You want to heal without discoloration to get the best outcomes. If your skin is quite red, you should take special care of it following surgery to avoid pigmentation. Make sure you’re utilizing non-soap cleansers and fragrance-free moisturizers, which are moderate and hypoallergenic. Take special precautions to shield yourself from the sun. If you plan on going out, use a sunscreen that blocks both alpha and beta rays.
Sleep with your head up at an angle of at least 30 degrees to decrease swelling and bruising that occurs a few days after surgery; you can use many pillows to keep your head up. You should also avoid the heat since it can exacerbate the swelling. By restricting blood arteries, ice packs and cold compresses can help to minimize edema.
Rest as much as you needed and can. It will relieve too much pressure on the face, getting adequate sleep, relaxing, and resting speeds up the healing process. When considering surgery, it is a good idea to take a few days off your work to allow for adequate recovery time.
Following a facelift, your skin may be sensitive, particularly around incisions. Make sure you wash and cleanse your face to get rid of germs and prevent breakouts and infections. Wash your face gently and tenderly with a soft cloth. Your surgeon will most likely suggest an antibacterial product to help prevent infections around wounds. Don’t apply any additional cosmetics to your face until your Victoriakliniken (Victoria Clinic) doctor say so.
Keep your skin safe from the sun’s damaging rays. Sun exposure on incision areas that are still healing might cause persistent discoloration or darkening. After the procedure, you may need to avoid the sun for a few weeks. If you absolutely must be outside, sunblock or sunscreen may be prescribed to prevent the consequences.