As college life usually includes parties and nights out, many are tempted to use fake IDs to gain access to bars and clubs. Some students might choose to order counterfeit IDs from online vendors, such as ID God, to bypass age restrictions. However, these fake IDs can not only get you into serious legal trouble, but they can also put your personal safety at risk. Therefore, it is crucial to know how to spot a counterfeit ID. In this blog post, we will discuss the key elements that distinguish genuine IDs from fake ones and how to keep yourself safe from buying a fake ID from idgod.
Before we start identifying a counterfeit ID, you must have an idea of what a genuine ID looks like. A real ID must contain the following features: a hologram, a ghost image, a UV-reactive pattern, micro-printing, and an intricate design. All these signs of authenticity are significantly expensive and complex to replicate for counterfeiters. Hence, counterfeiters always try to imitate these features, but a closer look will always reveal the fake.
One of the most common mistakes counterfeiters make is they copy the same design for all states. A real ID has uncopyable state-specific logos, fonts, and designs that are distinct from each other. Therefore, have a good look at the ID card and compare it with other IDs of its respective state. If you notice any differences in fonts, shapes, or layouts, the card is likely fake.
An essential element in the identification of a genuine ID is the hologram. A genuine ID’s hologram appears on the front of the card, and it should sparkle and change color when tilted. The representation should be a perfect replica of the state’s logo or symbol. If the hologram looks dull or blurry, it is likely a fake ID.
Furthermore, government-issued IDs have a ghost image that typically overlaps with the cardholder’s photo. A counterfeit ID usually comes with a ghost image overlay that is slightly off-align or positioned at a wrong angle. Moreover, genuine IDs have either a UV-reactive pattern or microprinting on them, whereas counterfeiters often miss these features. When checked through a UV Light or a Magnifying Glass, the miss-printed and unrelated patterns can declare the card as a fake.
Another crucial parameter to identify a genuine ID is by its barcode. Modern IDs use Machine Readable Zone codes that store important personal information. When scanned, the barcode should reveal accurate information that relates to the ID’s holder. If the barcode shows invalid information or does match the person’s information on the front of the card, then it’s a clear sign of a fake ID.
In conclusion, fake IDs from vendors like ID God may seem like a shortcut to get into the club or get alcohol, but it’s never worth the risk. The process of creating a genuine ID requires intricate details and advanced printing methods that are challenging to replicate for counterfeiters. Therefore, by keeping an eye on these above-discussed parameters like realistic holograms, unique state-specific designs, unaltered barcodes, and appropriate ghost images, it is easy to spot a fake ID. Keep in mind that being caught with a counterfeit ID can lead to serious legal consequences, so it’s better to enjoy your campus life responsibly and legally.